ERROR avail_light: Bootstrap process: 0: the request timed out

I am trying to laucnh my light client but it can not procedd through bootstrap.
OS: Ubuntu 22.04 amd64
Version: Avail Light v1.7.5

root@nirnaegen:~/avail# ./avail-light-linux-amd64 --network goldberg | ccze -A
2024-02-03T07:21:34.883003Z  INFO avail_light: Identity loaded from identity.toml 
2024-02-03T07:21:34.883146Z  INFO avail_light: Running Avail light client version: 1.7.5. Role: lightnode. 
2024-02-03T07:21:34.883159Z  INFO avail_light: Using config: RuntimeConfig { http_server_host: "", http_server_port: 7000, secret_key: None, port: 37000, autonat_only_global_ips: false, autonat_throttle: 1, autonat_retry_interval: 20, autonat_refresh_interval: 360, autonat_boot_delay: 5, bootstraps: [PeerIdAndMultiaddr((PeerId("12D3KooWBkLsNGaD3SpMaRWtAmWVuiZg1afdNSPbtJ8M8r9ArGRT"), "/dns/"))], bootstrap_period: 3600, operation_mode: Client, relays: [], full_node_ws: ["wss://"], genesis_hash: "6f09966420b2608d1947ccfb0f2a362450d1fc7fd902c29b67c906eaa965a7ae", app_id: None, confidence: 99.9, avail_path: "avail_path", log_level: "INFO", origin: "external", log_format_json: false, ot_collector_endpoint: "", disable_rpc: false, dht_parallelization_limit: 20, query_proof_rpc_parallel_tasks: 8, block_processing_delay: Some(15), block_matrix_partition: None, sync_start_block: None, sync_finality_enable: false, max_cells_per_rpc: Some(30), threshold: 5000, kad_record_ttl: 86400, publication_interval: 43200, replication_interval: 10800, replication_factor: 5, connection_idle_timeout: 30, max_negotiating_inbound_streams: 128, task_command_buffer_size: 32, per_connection_event_buffer_size: 7, dial_concurrency_factor: 8, query_timeout: 10, query_parallelism: 3, caching_max_peers: 1, disjoint_query_paths: false, max_kad_record_number: 2400000, max_kad_record_size: 8192, max_kad_provided_keys: 1024, retry_config: Exponential(ExponentialConfig { base: 10, max_delay: 4000, retries: 3 }) } 
2024-02-03T07:21:34.883410Z  INFO avail_light: Avail address is: 5FePKDAmSe6ND2pRybrkEwPdnmkjmtJCpXZdi7gvMxyoBoDf 
2024-02-03T07:21:34.920205Z  INFO avail_light::network::p2p: Local peer id: PeerId("12D3KooWQWYMAinBWRXSeoauyVKaz7v8C12gcZF5BUCC8gMVodww"). Public key: PublicKey { publickey: Ed25519(PublicKey(compressed): da4e5cd8f67e6f107b7552832ae5c4a72259bb22e657979f413f4dac4df932) }. 
2024-02-03T07:21:34.941567Z  INFO avail_light: TCP listener started on port 37000 
2024-02-03T07:21:34.941622Z  INFO avail_light: Bootstraping the DHT with bootstrap nodes... 
2024-02-03T07:21:35.157261Z  INFO avail_light: Waiting for first finalized header... 
2024-02-03T07:21:35.479021Z  WARN avail_light::network::rpc::event_loop: Expected Node system version:1.9, found: 1.10.0-b514ad4ea43. Skipping to another node. 
2024-02-03T07:21:45.344112Z ERROR avail_light: Bootstrap process:  
   0: the request timed out 


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it. 
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.. 
   0: Starting Light Client failed
   1: Could not connect any working or matching nodes


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.
2024-02-03T07:27:35.166358Z  INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: Shuting down P2P Event Loop. Please wait... 
2024-02-03T07:27:35.166478Z  INFO avail_light::network::p2p::event_loop: P2P Event Loop shutdown complete. 
2024-02-03T07:27:35.174345Z ERROR avail_light: Could not connect any working or matching nodes 

Please try running the latest version 1.7.6

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I confirm that issue is fixed. Thanks.

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