Rpc used for avail-light node result in "Method not found" error

I’ve setup a rpc node with flags: --chain turing --name bigrpc --rpc-cors=all --rpc-methods=unsafe --pruning archive -d /home/ubuntu/avail/node-data; But when used it for rpc of light-node, result in error: WARN avail_light::network::rpc::client: Skipping connection with this node host=“wss://avail-turing.tws.im” error=Other error: ErrorObject { code: MethodNotFound, message: “Method not found”, data: None }

What is your config file for the light client?

Should be default config. cmd is ./availup.sh --network turing --app_id 36

if you want to connect to your own rpc node, then it’s best to change the config to add that.

Yes, I have add my rpc node into availup.sh.





then start ./availup.sh --network turing --app_id 36
and result in error: WARN avail_light::network::rpc::client: Skipping connection with this node host=“wss://avail-turing.tws.im” error=Other error: ErrorObject { code: MethodNotFound, message: “Method not found”, data: None }

Maybe try using one of our 3rd party public RPC providers.


Understood, thanks. But i want to setup a public rpc service for turing

I’m not understanding why you need to run availup for it then?