Avail Transparency Report 3: Expanded Proxy Types

:paperclip: Report Author: Toufeeq from the Avail Technical Committee [5CoVaWrZnaV3BSeUJCA8Ca3SPMJDtjT1zPvZkzovkxJU7dkr]
Changes to be Executed: Changes will be applied at block #271,803
Technical Committee Consensus: 5/7 signers https://avail.subscan.io/tech/12?tab=proposal

Introduction: This document aims to provide transparency to the Avail community concerning both upcoming and executed network changes. The Technical Committee (TC) has thoroughly assessed the proposal to add additional proxy types to the Avail mainnet. After careful consideration of their effectiveness, potential impact, execution parameters, and security implications, the TC has reached a majority consensus of 5/7.

Proposed / Executed Changes: Hereโ€™s a summary of the proposed changes:

  • Introduce an IdentityJudgement proxy type, enabling identity registrars to delegate judgments to other accounts.
  • Introduce a NominationPool proxy type, allowing nomination pool users to delegate pool-related operations.
  • Expand the Staking proxy type to include support for nomination pool operations.

Code Modifications: For those interested, you can review this release notes & here are some notable PRโ€™s: Runtime Changes:

Potential Merits to the Network: The proposed changes significantly benefit the network by enhancing flexibility and user experience. Introducing the IdentityJudgement proxy type enables identity registrars to delegate verification tasks, streamlining identity management and potentially increasing the number of verified users. The NominationPool proxy type simplifies the management of nomination pools, encouraging broader participation in staking activities by reducing operational burdens on users. Additionally, expanding the Staking proxy type to include nomination pool operations unifies and simplifies the staking process, fostering greater engagement in network governance.

If you need any additional resources or information, please feel free to leave a comment.

Thank you.

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