Avail Transparency Report 2: Nomination Pool Configuration

:paperclip: Report Author: Toufeeq from the Avail Technical Committee [5CoVaWrZnaV3BSeUJCA8Ca3SPMJDtjT1zPvZkzovkxJU7dkr]
Changes to be Executed: Changes will be applied at block #182,680
Technical Committee Consensus: 5/7 signers https://avail.subscan.io/tech/11?tab=proposal

This document aims to provide transparency to the Avail community concerning both upcoming and executed network changes. The Technical Committee (TC) has thoroughly assessed the proposed nomination pool changes for the Avail mainnet. After careful consideration of their effectiveness, potential impact, execution parameters, and security implications, the TC has reached a majority consensus of 5/7.

Proposed / Executed Changes:
The proposed changes were first discussed within the community through AIP 1 on the Avail forum. Here’s a summary of the proposed changes:

  • Increase the number of nomination pools to 100
  • Increase the maximum number of members per pool to 5000
  • Set a global maximum commission rate of 10%

Code Modifications:

Potential Merits to the Network:

The proposed changes aim to improve network accessibility by allowing more participants to participate in staking, which supports decentralization and enhances network security. Additionally, the global maximum commission rate protects the interests of pool members by capping the maximum commission.

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Thank you.