Transparency Report 11: Expand Validator Set

paperclip: Report Author: Toufeeq from the Avail Technical Committee [5CoVaWrZnaV3BSeUJCA8Ca3SPMJDtjT1zPvZkzovkxJU7dkr]
Changes to be Executed: Changes will be applied at block #851,521
Technical Committee Consensus: 5/7 signers Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network high-precision Web3 explorer


This report provides transparency on proposed and executed network changes for the Avail mainnet, focusing on expanding the validator set. The Technical Committee (TC) has reviewed the proposal to increment the number of active validators to 87. After considering the operational, security, and decentralisation impacts, a majority consensus (5/7) was reached, supporting this proposal as part of Avail’s ongoing decentralisation strategy.

Proposed / Executed Changes:

The recurring proposal aims to gradually expand the validator set on the Avail mainnet. Each proposal to increase the set is evaluated on its ability to improve network resilience and decentralisation. By expanding the active set, Avail can onboard new validators over time, ensuring a broader distribution of authority and responsibility across the network.

The proposal aligns with Avail’s decentralisation goals and network security measures, aiming to safely introduce new validators. The expansion process is structured to minimise risk while boosting the diversity of validator nodes, which is crucial for network sustainability.

Code Modifications:

Potential Merits to the Network:

Increasing the validator set contributes to a more decentralized and robust network. By diversifying the active set of validators, we can enhance the security and resilience of the Avail mainnet against potential threats or downtime. This recurring process also fosters a healthier ecosystem, allowing new validators to participate, thereby reducing the risk of centralisation and promoting a broader geographic distribution.

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Thank you.


Great news! We support the expansion of the validator set.

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